Financial & Accounting Manual Template

Who should use this template?

All Small and Medium Business operators who employ one or more staff.


This FINANCIAL & ACCOUNTING MANUAL is for the small business operator and their employees.

The main benefits to having this FINANCIAL & ACCOUNTING MANUAL are that it:

  • ensures all staff are aware of obligations in relation to financial transactions within the business
  • is a proven way to help your managers and supervisors make consistent and reliable decisions.
  • helps give each employee a clear understanding as to what you expect and allow.

It takes some effort to complete, but brings definite long-term benefits, reduces disputes, and adds to the professionalism of your business.

Designed to be customized

This template for a financial policy and procedures manual is made up of example topics. You can customize these if you wish, for example, by adding or removing topics.

Include what you must and can comply with

Your commitments in this manual may also form part of any compliance requirements such as the Generational Department of Taxation of Cambodia compliance requirements.

Consultation Recommendation:

Normally, this document should be designed by the Financial Manager or Financial Director of each company. Or, you can consult with any Financial expertise for the best appropriate terms and conditions to your company since this template is rather general.

With the correct consultation help you design this Financial and Accounting Procedure with most suitable to your organization.


BIC TEMPLATE FINANCE – 0002 – Financial & Accounting Policy